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Saturday, 18 February 2012

Going DownTown, Party Taxi, Taco Bell's.... the Lot.....

Helloooooo There,
Hope you’re all doing well.

Well SO I finally arrived... after the most amazing flight I’ve ever been on – such amazing service I must say – never had flown with Virgin Atlantic before!
We took a cab from the airport to Vista Way, arriving 7:30pm (12:30pm UK time – SHATTERED) where we got given our key... even more exciting – we got to find out what Disney complex we would be living in – and who our roomy would be!!!! There were 5 of us who arrived together – and 4 of the others got put in Patterson Court (where I lived in 2008) and I got put in The Commons – best part being I had been put with CHARLOTTE!!!!!!!! (My friend who I met through the going process, got on like a house on fire and requested for me to live with her – she moved in 3 weeks ago) so was loving it. I didn’t actually know I had been put with Char – until the Big Brother moment happened – walked into the apartment “Hellooo” no one answered – followed the sign’s to my room – had a lil nosey – and saw Char’s name badge hanging up – with a cute note left on the bed -“Hey Roomie, I’m excited to meet you” – she didn’t know if her request had been successful either.. so anyway we’re roomies – and I think we do have the best apartment in the complex – en suite bathroom – laundry room actually in our apartment – massive living room – along with a really big tele.... what more could I as for! Only problem is the bed is ever so squeaky!!!!!  Soooo I unpacked, and then went to meet the others at our bus stop (where we met lots of people from the UK) to Wal-Mart... Whilst waiting a bus arrived – with Char screaming my name out of the bus window :D ....

Kojack – Caberoke
Well – we were given Kojak’s number to get a cab to Walmart – and OMG... his cab is amazing it’s really big – white on the outside can fit about 10 people in there – he has name badges stuck on his ceiling with past cast members from all around the world – he also has football scalfs... and to top it all off he has a KAREOKE machine inside..With flashing lights in time to when you sing – was amazing – the Party Taxi – cheap safe – always around what more can you ask for... we actually used him today coming back from Florida Mall – had a sing song – and was taken through Maccy’ds drive through on the way back.... seriously amazing! SOOO.... back to WALMART.... we were all tired at this point (was like 10pm here – 3am in UK, had not slept for over 21 hours!) so we just got all of our necessities such as duvets – shampoos  and stuff... well now DUVET is another story. I wanted these really nice satin bed sheets and duvet cover so I bought them with me from back home – and O EM GEE... I spend over 20 minutes trying to look and explain to somebody that I was after the quilt which goes inside... they actually don’t sell them believe it or not! They have them already sewn together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So... the lady took me to the sewing isle and showed me that they have the stuff they put inside – they call it a ‘comforter’ and that I could use that (was just like a big sheet of cotton wool – so I bought it – amazing enough it’s ok. BUT OMG... this Wal-Mart is a Halfords, Toy’s R us, Asda, Comet, Matalan ECT ALL IN ONE! They had absolutely everything – and more apart from a DUVET...! Loll!

 So the following day was check in and form filling - a very long day indeed – but we let our hair down – and had a relaxing shop in Wal-Mart – got a 1 and a half litre bottle of VODKA for $12 (£7.00ish) and had a little party with our lovely arrival group at HAD’s was so much fun getting to know everyone from all around.  We ended up going to Downtown Orlando – which was completely new to me and may I just say it was amazing – the night life was just like in the films!! We went to chillers which was a roof top nightclub – they had these cocktail slushes in washing machine type thing-s all different flavours – very strong for just $1 ... (60pensish) AMAZING.......................O YEAH.. WE ARRIVED AND LEFT BY A CAB DRIVER who was driving with 1 FOOT (not as good as Kojack I must say)! Such a good night – at the end of the night the police officers come round on their bike’s blasting sirens to clear the area... totally mental! Lol

Universal Studios & Adventure Island!!!
AHHH.... word’s cannot express how amazing these 2 parks are – the roller coasters are crazy big – such as the Hulk  - there’s just sooo much to do. We actually got there about half 3 – (park was closing at 7) we got the annual pass! We did Harry Potter twice – the BEST RIDE I HAVE EVER BEEN ON IN MY LIFE – I know... I sound well like I’m over exaggerating – but I’m not... you will never know until you actually experience it – the way they have done is absolutely sooooo clever.... Harry Potter world with all the shops was good... we also went on dulling dragons, the Hulk twice, two water rides, and we did that in less than 4 hours (only 5 min queues!) Cannot wait to go back! We all ended up going to HardRock Cafe.. where I ordered a salad with light dressing - was lush to have some veggies!!! Was such an amazing atmospher in the resto! defo a must!!!

Today has just been a relaxing day – unpacking my clothes – as it was bugging me knowing they weren’t done – then we headed to The Florida Mall about 6ish where we got out sim cards/phones sorted which is more relaxing as I now have my BBM back :D We were shown this cool Motorola phone and OMG... it was 3d... so if you take a photo on it – it comes out 3D how amazing is that. You can speak into it say ‘pizza hut’ and it will draw a map out in like 10 seconds to tell you how far away you are – and omega like it was just amazing.. It was a ‘SHUTTHUP’ moment....
Any way’s I’m going to have a couple of lucky charm’s then hit my pillow as I’m shattered and we have ‘Traditions’ tomorrow – where our training begins....

Wow you would not believe that all this has happened in less than 4 days would you! Lool
Good Night All J
