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Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Before the Beginning...

Hey Lovelies,

This is for those of you who would like information about applying (a bit brief.. as was a very long time ago).. If your not looking at applying - and details on applying then go on to the next Blog where my Journey begins.....

Tbh, I never actually knew I had applied.... strange I know. I applied a year after I finished my ICP programme back in 2008 to do the year long CRP programme. Did not get it first time.... was quite upset - as thought that was my chance missed. I applied again a year after (not even noticing - just thought ooo let me click the button type thing) - but used the same application before - and lucky enough I randomly recieved an email back (had forgotten all about it)... I got through to the Telephone Interview Stage - I was ecstatic.. This stage was quite straight forward - spoke about the UK culture (The Royal Wedding was happening at the time - so spoke about that - They loved it! Talking about your town's history - and the UK culture - and why you love living in the UK is extremely important - as they expect you to tell the Guest's all about them.

Next step ... the Face to Face Interview

I had mine at the Disney HQ.... amazing big place based in Hammersmith. You watch a presentation in the big theatre, had my interview with the American Lady (so sorry.. can't remember her name - was a long time ago) - then they let you know what time you will be interviewed. Was interviewed with another girl, we both had done the programme together before so that's why I think they put us together. Their interview questions were similare to the following -

Why did you want to do the Programme again?
What didn't you like?

You had some time off on the ICP programme.. why was this? - I explained why (hard to adjust to the time differences)

Next step... Wait List

I was placed on the wait list for about a month - then was told i'd be starting the programme on 14th Feb 2012... and this was 6 months prior - which was amazing - enough time to get all set for the programme.

Next step was to get all the documents such as CRB check, Visa ect sorted.

This is very brief.. but if you would like any help - or tip's let me know and I'll be happy to help - it is an extremely long process... but so worth the wait :)


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