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Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The Beginning of a Magical Journey

Good Morning,

Your probably reading this thinking - Dippy.... why on earth are you keeping Blogs?.. Strange Girl....

Well I know a lot of you wanted to follow my Journey of going to work in Walt Disney World Florida, so why not take you with me..... This is not just a thing that only I'm doing - but many people who decide to travel/work abroad tend to keep something like this - to sort of still be connected to those back home - so those of you can follow. I've read blog's in the past - and I must admit they are extremely interesting and helpful. Interesting for those of you at home, and helpful for those of you who are looking at applying.

I am also an Communications & Media Graduate - typical thing for us to do - a Blog, although saying that - I've never done this before, something I've alway's wanted to do though but became too lazy. On another note I'd also like to keep myself sane - I feel less educated the more I type now a day's - every day it's turning more into slang/texting languge e.g. wateva, gr8, l8, Hilar... seriously not a good look!

Anyway's my lovelies, I am going to miss my Family & Friend's soo soo much.. especially my beautiful mum!! I know I can't really take any of you with me (although some of you are planning on visiting) but hope this is just as good.

Enough of me trying to explain why I'm doing this blogging thing (lol I do that a lot) -

I am about to take the first step's into an extremely exciting adventure - a Journey into the World of Disney... where all the Magic happen's...

Why don't you follow me to see the Magic from a Cast Member's point of view......

1 comment:

  1. Aww, that's so sweet. I'm gona miss u so very much :-( but I'm so happy that you're following your dreams rather then waiting fir them :-)x
