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Saturday, 11 February 2012

Happy Saturday Evening Everyone,

Hope your all well.. and enjoying my blog so far... really hope I'm not boring you all! lol!

Well this week has been a very very busy one - meeting up with all of my friends, and family, to say 'see you next year'.

Today I spoke to my Nani & Nana (Grandma & Grandad - mum's parents) on the phone from their holiday in India. They have gone for 4 weeks - they are in their third - meaning I'm not actually going to see them till I get back from America - so saying bye to them when they left was ever so emotional - where the tears all began. People who have met my nani & nana always descrive them as 'cute' because they really are the most cutest,

kindest, sweetest, lovliest grandparents I know - and I am ever so close to them - they mean the world to me along with my beautiful mum!!! So anyway they called all the way from India 2 days in a row now - double checking I have everything - making sure I'm ready "Have you packed your massala?", "I miss you - we left at the wrong time" and the bit that always gets me choked up - "We love you Dipu" !!

Honestly - for those of you who have been traveling before or been away from family & friends for such a long time knows that 'GoodByes' are so hard.

Well with only 3 nights left - time is ticking fast (although this countdown feels as if it has been live 4ever!) - me being awake till 6am without fail every night this week - so not good - but then I look at it this way 6am here - is 1am in America - which is normal hours for me - so hopefully I'll adjust to the time difference quickly!

As you know all my packing is complete! - But I ran out of clothes to wear (packed them all - silly me) so unzipped the vac pack - so that's going to take a while to get it all packed again. Going to weigh my cases on the wii at some point tomorrow -I am so so so so worried that I have overpacked - this is usually the case with me whenever I go away - always take far too much - I mean when I went away a couple years back - I actually had to chuck some toiletries, and a pair of shoes (was heart aching I know - but Ryanair were so strict), but this time round I'm prepared - and I am flying with Virgin Atlantic - so hopefully they won't be that bad - I'm alowed 46kg and a hand luggage weighing at 6kg so 52kg all togther - which is quite a lot considering your only alowed 15kg when you go away for a couple of weeks on holiday.

Past couple of late nights my mum has actually stayed up with till 4/6am so I really do love her for that! Keeping me company - lol... we watched The Tigger Movie (it was on tele) .. we've had some lovely talk's these past evenings - I truley do love her.. and will miss her lot's! Hope everyone look's after he whilst I'm away!!!

As I'm probably boring you I'll shaaathhupp now... as like I said before.. I talk alot.. and I feel I could type and type and type - and bore you with this all.. but my hand's are getting quite tired now - so I won't wow... How on earth did I do a 10 000 word dissertation! lol...

May do a vlog later :) - seriously this whole blog thing is so addictive .....



  1. I love u my Lil Miss Disney Princess.x

  2. Good Luck Sweetie xxx

  3. Good luck dippy dont worry we will look after your mummy x x
