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Thursday, 9 February 2012

The Goodbye's..... "See You Next Year" ....

Heyylooo :D

I know I said I wouldn't post untill I arrive... but The GoodBye's over the last 2 week's have been amazing - with all the people I love so much! - The effort and the time that everyone has put in has been absolutely beautiful -

Firstly where the 'Buu-Byes' Began- was my leaving meal with the Work Ladies at Jimmy's World Grill in Luton.

Well this evening was amazing - all the girl's I've worked with in the Herald & Post who have made my time working there easy, and who I'm going to miss dearly turned up. Was so lovely, as this was my first proper full time job after university - for 14 months - and these girl's have played a big part in my life - making working for Johnston Press a lot easier. Jimmy's was one of my new customers (I did entertainments of Luton Advertising in the Herald & Post and Luton News) so I thought it would be nice for us to try that restaurant out - delicious food I must say - I do reccomend it! Was a lovely evening, and recieved lot's of lovely gift's and cards. To top it all off - the lovely marketin manager for Jimmy's had given me freshly made leaving cake! Yum!

 #embarassing moment when all the girl's started singing Happy Birthday from the tops of their voice's - when it was a 'Leaving Cake'!

Secondly - the emotional day of leaving work -

The Girl's spoilt me rotten!!!
They all bought in lot's of healthy treat's as they knew I was trying to be all healthy before I jetted off - (apart from the Beautiful Belle Cake)
They decorated the whole of the office... walking over to my desk... and look what they all done -

How cute are they! :D was lovely!!!!!!! We all had to wear Minnie Mouse ears :D Well throughout the day they all made me feel like a princess - and finished off by Charlene giving me the most loveliest - funniest speech ever.... will never ever forget them all - best girl's to ever work with!!!!!
THANKYOU GIRLS!!!! Will miss you lot's!! And if this wasn't enough - they had done an announcement in the papers for me - sooooooo cute
They also bought me such lovely presents - including some dollers ;) hehe!

SATURDAY - Dippy's Disney Leaving Do
WOW... WELL... What can I say.... my beautiful mum had gone to so much effort - decorated the house with lovely Disney balloons - made amazing Princess cupcakes - and lot's of delicious food. The theme was Disney as you can imagine. Well everyone's effort with their Disney costumes was absolutely amazing - We had some Cruella Devills, Snow White's, Lion King people, Robin Hood's, Minnie Mouses, Cinderella's, Bo Peeps, Lil Princess Aurora, Mr Incredible, Woody - and even those who didn't dress up - still looked handsome and beautiful as ever! :D

I cannot thank everyone enough for coming to my party making so much effort - look how lovely everyone looked....

We all ended up going on a bar crawl... and me and Miss Peill didn't come home till like 5AM... nothing new there.. especially when heading to Kink! lol!

I couldnt thank my beautiful mum enough for doing everything for me on this night... was so lovely of her - she is the most amazing woman in my life - my role model - I love her to bit's and pieces - don't know what I would do with her - this next year is going to be hard enough without her - but having the communication method's we have today such as Skype and Facebook - it will be like us keeping in contact every day :D

Thank's to all the time and effort that everyone put in for this party :D love you all xXx

The leaving meal with Mum, Ori, Shannen, and my beautiful Girls!
Aww had such a lovely time in Baltistan.... mum got me a Belle cake.. and again the girls starting singing happy birthday - embarassing or what! My mum, and My girls are my life, love them to bits and pieces - would not know what i'd do with out them!!
This lovely evening was followed by some lovely shisha... Jade & Lizzi had never done it before - was so funny watching them trying to er... do hoops... how unattractive we all looked attempting to blow hoops! A lovely evening :D

The funny photo's will follow - such as Amy sucking on the orange at the indian restaurant... conveniently saving it as my screensaver - o how I love that Girl.. and how I'm going to miss her lot's and lots!!!

All my leaving lil do's have tired me out (i still have 2 more left... ahh) - have ate lot's of delicious food... now back on to the strawberrys!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lol, I'm already loving your blogs and can't wait for the next one.x
