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Saturday, 18 February 2012

Going DownTown, Party Taxi, Taco Bell's.... the Lot.....

Helloooooo There,
Hope you’re all doing well.

Well SO I finally arrived... after the most amazing flight I’ve ever been on – such amazing service I must say – never had flown with Virgin Atlantic before!
We took a cab from the airport to Vista Way, arriving 7:30pm (12:30pm UK time – SHATTERED) where we got given our key... even more exciting – we got to find out what Disney complex we would be living in – and who our roomy would be!!!! There were 5 of us who arrived together – and 4 of the others got put in Patterson Court (where I lived in 2008) and I got put in The Commons – best part being I had been put with CHARLOTTE!!!!!!!! (My friend who I met through the going process, got on like a house on fire and requested for me to live with her – she moved in 3 weeks ago) so was loving it. I didn’t actually know I had been put with Char – until the Big Brother moment happened – walked into the apartment “Hellooo” no one answered – followed the sign’s to my room – had a lil nosey – and saw Char’s name badge hanging up – with a cute note left on the bed -“Hey Roomie, I’m excited to meet you” – she didn’t know if her request had been successful either.. so anyway we’re roomies – and I think we do have the best apartment in the complex – en suite bathroom – laundry room actually in our apartment – massive living room – along with a really big tele.... what more could I as for! Only problem is the bed is ever so squeaky!!!!!  Soooo I unpacked, and then went to meet the others at our bus stop (where we met lots of people from the UK) to Wal-Mart... Whilst waiting a bus arrived – with Char screaming my name out of the bus window :D ....

Kojack – Caberoke
Well – we were given Kojak’s number to get a cab to Walmart – and OMG... his cab is amazing it’s really big – white on the outside can fit about 10 people in there – he has name badges stuck on his ceiling with past cast members from all around the world – he also has football scalfs... and to top it all off he has a KAREOKE machine inside..With flashing lights in time to when you sing – was amazing – the Party Taxi – cheap safe – always around what more can you ask for... we actually used him today coming back from Florida Mall – had a sing song – and was taken through Maccy’ds drive through on the way back.... seriously amazing! SOOO.... back to WALMART.... we were all tired at this point (was like 10pm here – 3am in UK, had not slept for over 21 hours!) so we just got all of our necessities such as duvets – shampoos  and stuff... well now DUVET is another story. I wanted these really nice satin bed sheets and duvet cover so I bought them with me from back home – and O EM GEE... I spend over 20 minutes trying to look and explain to somebody that I was after the quilt which goes inside... they actually don’t sell them believe it or not! They have them already sewn together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So... the lady took me to the sewing isle and showed me that they have the stuff they put inside – they call it a ‘comforter’ and that I could use that (was just like a big sheet of cotton wool – so I bought it – amazing enough it’s ok. BUT OMG... this Wal-Mart is a Halfords, Toy’s R us, Asda, Comet, Matalan ECT ALL IN ONE! They had absolutely everything – and more apart from a DUVET...! Loll!

 So the following day was check in and form filling - a very long day indeed – but we let our hair down – and had a relaxing shop in Wal-Mart – got a 1 and a half litre bottle of VODKA for $12 (£7.00ish) and had a little party with our lovely arrival group at HAD’s was so much fun getting to know everyone from all around.  We ended up going to Downtown Orlando – which was completely new to me and may I just say it was amazing – the night life was just like in the films!! We went to chillers which was a roof top nightclub – they had these cocktail slushes in washing machine type thing-s all different flavours – very strong for just $1 ... (60pensish) AMAZING.......................O YEAH.. WE ARRIVED AND LEFT BY A CAB DRIVER who was driving with 1 FOOT (not as good as Kojack I must say)! Such a good night – at the end of the night the police officers come round on their bike’s blasting sirens to clear the area... totally mental! Lol

Universal Studios & Adventure Island!!!
AHHH.... word’s cannot express how amazing these 2 parks are – the roller coasters are crazy big – such as the Hulk  - there’s just sooo much to do. We actually got there about half 3 – (park was closing at 7) we got the annual pass! We did Harry Potter twice – the BEST RIDE I HAVE EVER BEEN ON IN MY LIFE – I know... I sound well like I’m over exaggerating – but I’m not... you will never know until you actually experience it – the way they have done is absolutely sooooo clever.... Harry Potter world with all the shops was good... we also went on dulling dragons, the Hulk twice, two water rides, and we did that in less than 4 hours (only 5 min queues!) Cannot wait to go back! We all ended up going to HardRock Cafe.. where I ordered a salad with light dressing - was lush to have some veggies!!! Was such an amazing atmospher in the resto! defo a must!!!

Today has just been a relaxing day – unpacking my clothes – as it was bugging me knowing they weren’t done – then we headed to The Florida Mall about 6ish where we got out sim cards/phones sorted which is more relaxing as I now have my BBM back :D We were shown this cool Motorola phone and OMG... it was 3d... so if you take a photo on it – it comes out 3D how amazing is that. You can speak into it say ‘pizza hut’ and it will draw a map out in like 10 seconds to tell you how far away you are – and omega like it was just amazing.. It was a ‘SHUTTHUP’ moment....
Any way’s I’m going to have a couple of lucky charm’s then hit my pillow as I’m shattered and we have ‘Traditions’ tomorrow – where our training begins....

Wow you would not believe that all this has happened in less than 4 days would you! Lool
Good Night All J


Friday, 17 February 2012

Final Bye's

Wow...it's been a while since I last posted..hope your all well :) The first few bits may be brief as otherwise I'll be here forever! lol

Won't be doing no vlog's for at least a month as I have no access to a webcam atm, and so sorry for no blogs.... it has been a crazy last few days.

Soooooo...... wow.. las week was ever so emotional... saying bye to everyone... all my girls were so lovely... they surprised me with a beautiful photo album 'this is your life' sort of thing.. from photos from when I was born... all the way through to today... it was amazing..... and a perfect present to take away :), along with the CD's I really loved atm, DOLLERSSSSSSSSSSSS, and a pack of freddos, I was really not expecting this, so when the girls presented me with this, I became all shocked and emotional. I love them lot's and going to miss them like crazy.
I also had a lovely meal a couple of days meeting up with close friends, and family, going for meals :D it was soooooooo emotional.. knowing I wasn't going to see them for a year...

Well anyway... this is where it all begins ....

I set off from Luton Friday morning .. was a smooth journey, was soo worried about my packing though - had weighed it - and knew I was over - but didn't know how much I'd get away with. So we got to the airport - straight to check in, and the woman said my hand luggage looked overweight - so to go weigh it - which I did and my hand luggage alone weighed 15KG........................ (i thought it didn't overly matter about the weight of hand luggage - just the size.. but I had packed all the heavy thing's in there. Anyway - shuffled all my cases around - had to end up paying 60 quid for the cases being overweight - was such a mare!! Finally they were all fine to go through :) yipeeeeee. This day was so emotional.. knowing I was going for a year -  but it still sort of hadn't hit me.....

So first I  said Bye to my mum's friends - which is when it started sinking in... that i'm going to have to say Bye to mum soon...and then it came to that point - with tear's rolling down our faces.. seriously was so hard to say bye!!! Robyn grabbed me from behind (who I was flying with) and that sort of calmed the situation down - said bye to mum kept looking back - then saw I had to go through security. Will miss her lot's & lot's & lots...

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Happy Saturday Evening Everyone,

Hope your all well.. and enjoying my blog so far... really hope I'm not boring you all! lol!

Well this week has been a very very busy one - meeting up with all of my friends, and family, to say 'see you next year'.

Today I spoke to my Nani & Nana (Grandma & Grandad - mum's parents) on the phone from their holiday in India. They have gone for 4 weeks - they are in their third - meaning I'm not actually going to see them till I get back from America - so saying bye to them when they left was ever so emotional - where the tears all began. People who have met my nani & nana always descrive them as 'cute' because they really are the most cutest,

kindest, sweetest, lovliest grandparents I know - and I am ever so close to them - they mean the world to me along with my beautiful mum!!! So anyway they called all the way from India 2 days in a row now - double checking I have everything - making sure I'm ready "Have you packed your massala?", "I miss you - we left at the wrong time" and the bit that always gets me choked up - "We love you Dipu" !!

Honestly - for those of you who have been traveling before or been away from family & friends for such a long time knows that 'GoodByes' are so hard.

Well with only 3 nights left - time is ticking fast (although this countdown feels as if it has been live 4ever!) - me being awake till 6am without fail every night this week - so not good - but then I look at it this way 6am here - is 1am in America - which is normal hours for me - so hopefully I'll adjust to the time difference quickly!

As you know all my packing is complete! - But I ran out of clothes to wear (packed them all - silly me) so unzipped the vac pack - so that's going to take a while to get it all packed again. Going to weigh my cases on the wii at some point tomorrow -I am so so so so worried that I have overpacked - this is usually the case with me whenever I go away - always take far too much - I mean when I went away a couple years back - I actually had to chuck some toiletries, and a pair of shoes (was heart aching I know - but Ryanair were so strict), but this time round I'm prepared - and I am flying with Virgin Atlantic - so hopefully they won't be that bad - I'm alowed 46kg and a hand luggage weighing at 6kg so 52kg all togther - which is quite a lot considering your only alowed 15kg when you go away for a couple of weeks on holiday.

Past couple of late nights my mum has actually stayed up with till 4/6am so I really do love her for that! Keeping me company - lol... we watched The Tigger Movie (it was on tele) .. we've had some lovely talk's these past evenings - I truley do love her.. and will miss her lot's! Hope everyone look's after he whilst I'm away!!!

As I'm probably boring you I'll shaaathhupp now... as like I said before.. I talk alot.. and I feel I could type and type and type - and bore you with this all.. but my hand's are getting quite tired now - so I won't wow... How on earth did I do a 10 000 word dissertation! lol...

May do a vlog later :) - seriously this whole blog thing is so addictive .....


Thursday, 9 February 2012

Dippy's First Vlog (why not.. thought I'd give it a go.... ) lol

Ahhh.. my 1st vlog... third time lucky.. the first two didn't bloomin record any sound! LOL... but yes... this was something rather different! lol



The Goodbye's..... "See You Next Year" ....

Heyylooo :D

I know I said I wouldn't post untill I arrive... but The GoodBye's over the last 2 week's have been amazing - with all the people I love so much! - The effort and the time that everyone has put in has been absolutely beautiful -

Firstly where the 'Buu-Byes' Began- was my leaving meal with the Work Ladies at Jimmy's World Grill in Luton.

Well this evening was amazing - all the girl's I've worked with in the Herald & Post who have made my time working there easy, and who I'm going to miss dearly turned up. Was so lovely, as this was my first proper full time job after university - for 14 months - and these girl's have played a big part in my life - making working for Johnston Press a lot easier. Jimmy's was one of my new customers (I did entertainments of Luton Advertising in the Herald & Post and Luton News) so I thought it would be nice for us to try that restaurant out - delicious food I must say - I do reccomend it! Was a lovely evening, and recieved lot's of lovely gift's and cards. To top it all off - the lovely marketin manager for Jimmy's had given me freshly made leaving cake! Yum!

 #embarassing moment when all the girl's started singing Happy Birthday from the tops of their voice's - when it was a 'Leaving Cake'!

Secondly - the emotional day of leaving work -

The Girl's spoilt me rotten!!!
They all bought in lot's of healthy treat's as they knew I was trying to be all healthy before I jetted off - (apart from the Beautiful Belle Cake)
They decorated the whole of the office... walking over to my desk... and look what they all done -

How cute are they! :D was lovely!!!!!!! We all had to wear Minnie Mouse ears :D Well throughout the day they all made me feel like a princess - and finished off by Charlene giving me the most loveliest - funniest speech ever.... will never ever forget them all - best girl's to ever work with!!!!!
THANKYOU GIRLS!!!! Will miss you lot's!! And if this wasn't enough - they had done an announcement in the papers for me - sooooooo cute
They also bought me such lovely presents - including some dollers ;) hehe!

SATURDAY - Dippy's Disney Leaving Do
WOW... WELL... What can I say.... my beautiful mum had gone to so much effort - decorated the house with lovely Disney balloons - made amazing Princess cupcakes - and lot's of delicious food. The theme was Disney as you can imagine. Well everyone's effort with their Disney costumes was absolutely amazing - We had some Cruella Devills, Snow White's, Lion King people, Robin Hood's, Minnie Mouses, Cinderella's, Bo Peeps, Lil Princess Aurora, Mr Incredible, Woody - and even those who didn't dress up - still looked handsome and beautiful as ever! :D

I cannot thank everyone enough for coming to my party making so much effort - look how lovely everyone looked....

We all ended up going on a bar crawl... and me and Miss Peill didn't come home till like 5AM... nothing new there.. especially when heading to Kink! lol!

I couldnt thank my beautiful mum enough for doing everything for me on this night... was so lovely of her - she is the most amazing woman in my life - my role model - I love her to bit's and pieces - don't know what I would do with her - this next year is going to be hard enough without her - but having the communication method's we have today such as Skype and Facebook - it will be like us keeping in contact every day :D

Thank's to all the time and effort that everyone put in for this party :D love you all xXx

The leaving meal with Mum, Ori, Shannen, and my beautiful Girls!
Aww had such a lovely time in Baltistan.... mum got me a Belle cake.. and again the girls starting singing happy birthday - embarassing or what! My mum, and My girls are my life, love them to bits and pieces - would not know what i'd do with out them!!
This lovely evening was followed by some lovely shisha... Jade & Lizzi had never done it before - was so funny watching them trying to er... do hoops... how unattractive we all looked attempting to blow hoops! A lovely evening :D

The funny photo's will follow - such as Amy sucking on the orange at the indian restaurant... conveniently saving it as my screensaver - o how I love that Girl.. and how I'm going to miss her lot's and lots!!!

All my leaving lil do's have tired me out (i still have 2 more left... ahh) - have ate lot's of delicious food... now back on to the strawberrys!!!!!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Going Process...


Well I suppose your all thinking - wow Dippy you Disney Geek - well I'm not that into Disney - I'm doing this for the Life experiance of having a chance in a Million to work in Florida for a year.... I'm sure that's many of our Dream's to go work in the Sun.... Don't get me wrong I do love Disney - but not as much as some - So you may see thing's not as Disney obsessed on this blog.

Well - only 6 Day's to go - AND I'M PACKED! This is very unlike me i'm a 'Leave it till the last minute' type girl - but yeah 2 large suitcases - all good to go - only thing I'm a bit worried about is I actually have 2 large cases - and 1 small case (to take as hand luggage) I only have 1 pair of hand's - hopefully I'll manage - will have to get some sort of help when I get to stateside!

Here's a picure of the over packed cases -

I've packed my whole closet - After all I am a girl - I still need to pack the heels though! All my clothes, duvet and pillows have been vac packed - and may I just say Vac Pack is amazing - one of those handy JML inventions!!! Everything just halfed in size!!! My mum's packed me all the spices - tea bags, sweeteners - lil thing's which I won't have to search the whole of Walmart for!!!

I've now got all my documents ready too (anyone will think I have OCD the way I'm so prepared a week in advance!! lol!

Now I have 5 day's left to say my Good Byes to all my Beautiful Family & Friends. I have an indian with the Girl's tonight, Carvery with the work girls tomorrow, Itallian with Friends on Friday, and Family on Saturday, more shopping Saturday with mum, drink's on Sunday - and Final GoodBye's on Monday :D - sooo not good - but will be lovely to have my goodbye's with the most important people to me!!!

Watch Out for my next blog which I will write next week - my first week living in Orlando, Florida!



Before the Beginning...

Hey Lovelies,

This is for those of you who would like information about applying (a bit brief.. as was a very long time ago).. If your not looking at applying - and details on applying then go on to the next Blog where my Journey begins.....

Tbh, I never actually knew I had applied.... strange I know. I applied a year after I finished my ICP programme back in 2008 to do the year long CRP programme. Did not get it first time.... was quite upset - as thought that was my chance missed. I applied again a year after (not even noticing - just thought ooo let me click the button type thing) - but used the same application before - and lucky enough I randomly recieved an email back (had forgotten all about it)... I got through to the Telephone Interview Stage - I was ecstatic.. This stage was quite straight forward - spoke about the UK culture (The Royal Wedding was happening at the time - so spoke about that - They loved it! Talking about your town's history - and the UK culture - and why you love living in the UK is extremely important - as they expect you to tell the Guest's all about them.

Next step ... the Face to Face Interview

I had mine at the Disney HQ.... amazing big place based in Hammersmith. You watch a presentation in the big theatre, had my interview with the American Lady (so sorry.. can't remember her name - was a long time ago) - then they let you know what time you will be interviewed. Was interviewed with another girl, we both had done the programme together before so that's why I think they put us together. Their interview questions were similare to the following -

Why did you want to do the Programme again?
What didn't you like?

You had some time off on the ICP programme.. why was this? - I explained why (hard to adjust to the time differences)

Next step... Wait List

I was placed on the wait list for about a month - then was told i'd be starting the programme on 14th Feb 2012... and this was 6 months prior - which was amazing - enough time to get all set for the programme.

Next step was to get all the documents such as CRB check, Visa ect sorted.

This is very brief.. but if you would like any help - or tip's let me know and I'll be happy to help - it is an extremely long process... but so worth the wait :)


The Beginning of a Magical Journey

Good Morning,

Your probably reading this thinking - Dippy.... why on earth are you keeping Blogs?.. Strange Girl....

Well I know a lot of you wanted to follow my Journey of going to work in Walt Disney World Florida, so why not take you with me..... This is not just a thing that only I'm doing - but many people who decide to travel/work abroad tend to keep something like this - to sort of still be connected to those back home - so those of you can follow. I've read blog's in the past - and I must admit they are extremely interesting and helpful. Interesting for those of you at home, and helpful for those of you who are looking at applying.

I am also an Communications & Media Graduate - typical thing for us to do - a Blog, although saying that - I've never done this before, something I've alway's wanted to do though but became too lazy. On another note I'd also like to keep myself sane - I feel less educated the more I type now a day's - every day it's turning more into slang/texting languge e.g. wateva, gr8, l8, Hilar... seriously not a good look!

Anyway's my lovelies, I am going to miss my Family & Friend's soo soo much.. especially my beautiful mum!! I know I can't really take any of you with me (although some of you are planning on visiting) but hope this is just as good.

Enough of me trying to explain why I'm doing this blogging thing (lol I do that a lot) -

I am about to take the first step's into an extremely exciting adventure - a Journey into the World of Disney... where all the Magic happen's...

Why don't you follow me to see the Magic from a Cast Member's point of view......